Walter is developer bij IMAGEM: “Je krijgt de ruimte om je eigen ideeën in te brengen en uit te werken.”

In 2020 begon Walter Jansen vers aan het nieuwe jaar, want in januari van dat jaar kwam hij IMAGEM binnen als front-end developer. Een uitdaging, want hij wist niet zo goed wat hij kon verwachten. Nu, bijna twee jaar en veel toffe projecten verder, weet hij als geen ander wat er allemaal mogelijk is binnen development en het geodomein. Daarom spraken we hem over zijn ervaringen, projecten en alles daartussen.

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Luciad LightSpeed 2020 Update 1

Luciad LightSpeed 2020 update 1

19 oktober 2020

The 2020.1 release of LuciadLightspeed brings several highly requested improvements. These include additional format support, format upgrades, and improved image sampling.

Although the information in this document is current as of the product release, see the Hexagon Geospatial Support website for the most current version. This release includes both enhancements and fixes.

LuciadFusion 2020 Update 1

LuciadFusion 2020 update 1

19 oktober 2020

The 2020.1 release of LuciadFusion brings support for a new data type, 360° panoramic imagery, as well as a focus on smooth deployment. In addition, this release features a series of format upgrades and improvements.

Although the information in this document is current as of the product release, see the Hexagon Geospatial Support website for the most current version. This release includes both enhancements and fixes.

LuciadRIA 2020 Update 1

LuciadRIA 2020 update 1

19 oktober 2020

The 2020.1 release of LuciadRIA brings the 3D experience to another level with unique 360° panoramic imagery support. In addition, various highly requested improvements have been added, like additional styling for 3D meshes, military grid coordinate transformations, and a nongeoreferenced WebGL-based view implementation.

Although the information in this document is current as of the product release, see the Hexagon Geospatial Support website for the most current version. This release includes both enhancements and fixes.